21 Feb 2011

Turn video clips into quizzes

ESL Video is a great site for creating video quizzes. Follow these simple steps to create a video quiz out of your (or your students') favourite song.

  1. Register at http://eslvideo.com
  2. Select "Create a Quiz" and fill in the details.You will need the embed code of the videoclip and a thumbnail image of the video. Youtube is the most popular source for videos.
  3. Now you can start creating questions. Add the transcript and notes if you wish and you're ready. You can edit the quiz at any time by accessing your account.
  4. Copy the embed code to embed in on your blog or website (a great idea for moodle users) or create a class within the eslvideo.com  site to access your students' scores.
Take a look at two video quizzes created for our students.

Introduction to Moodle

 Modular Object-Based Dynamic Learning Environment

One of my favourite teaching tools is moodle. Moodle is an open source Learning Management System (LMS).  Getting started with moodle is quite simple. You can download it from here. Next all you need is a host. Setting up your own moodle platform does require some knowledge,  but there are many sites (free & commercial) that offer moodle hosting.

Moodle Facts

  • used in 210 countries
  • available in more than 75 languages
  • almost 50.000 registered sites 

What can I do on moodle ?

  • upload resources (handouts, presentations, podcasts etc)
  • create lessons & courses
  • create quizzes & tests
  • teach online (web meeting , Illuminate , DimDim)
  • create a webpage
  • create a game
  • embed other material (hot potato ,  WiZiQuiz ,  jClic )
  • create a forum , blog 
  • create a glossary
  • create a wiki
These are just a few of the things you can do. I will  include more details on how to use moodle in following posts. Meanwhile you can visit the moodle demonstration site and try out some of the features.

Google Art Project

Take a trip around the world's best museums.

Google has partnered with some of the world's most respected art galleries and museums to bring their artwork online. Use the dropdown menu to choose a museum and find artworks from that museum. You can find more work by a specific artist or learn more about the works of art. Create your own art collection and start a discussion about it. 

These images could be used in class as visual stimuli for a discussion. Young learners can practice using comparisons or making simple assumptions (She may be smiling etc.),  whereas advanced learners can attempt to describe the work of art from the artist's point of view.

20 Feb 2011

About Tefl & Tech

I am an EFL teacher who loves using technology and especially moodle.  I have chosen to move my blog from a previous host to blogger, so here is the first post as published on the previous blog.

Another blog? That’s what most of my friends will say once they see this. Although I barely have enough time to read all new posts on my blog roll and rarely post on our school blog, I have been thinking about creating this blog for some time. There are so many things that I learn every day about TEFL and Tech through my PLN and of course surfing the net that I thought I should write about them. The problem though was that most local readers wanted posts in Greek and few PLN friends are Greek.  Then there was the problem of content . Parents and students are not interested in reading posts for teachers. So here it is … my “keep it short and simple blog on TEFL and Tech”.